Cloudmarker Tutorial

Cloudmarker is a cloud monitoring tool and framework.


  1. Create a virtual Python environment and install Cloudmarker in it:

    python3 -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install cloudmarker
  2. Run sanity test:

    cloudmarker -n

    The above command runs a mock audit with mock plugins that generate some mock data. The mock data generated can be found at /tmp/cloudmarker/. Logs from the tool are written to the standard output as well as to /tmp/cloudmarker.log.

    The -n or --now option tells Cloudmarker to run right now instead of waiting for a scheduled run.

Get Started

Cloudmarker’s behaviour is driven by configuration files written in YAML format. Cloudmarker comes with two built-in mock plugins known as MockCloud and MockEvent. These mock plugins are useful in generating some mock data to test out the Cloudmarker framework and familiarize oneself with how Cloudmarker can be configured.

We will first see how to configure the MockCloud plugin, just so that we can quickly get started with understanding the configuration file format without having to work out how to provide Cloudmarker access to real clouds. We will see how to work with real clouds later in this document. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Create a config file named cloudmarker.yaml in the current directory with the following content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud
          record_count: 5
            - apple
            - ball
            - cat
          - mymockcloud
          - filestore
          - mockevent
          - filestore
      - mymockaudit
  2. Enter this command to run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  3. Examine the output in /tmp/cloudmarker/mymockaudit_mymockcloud.json. It should contain a JSON array with 5 objects as defined in the record_count value in the config. There are record_type fields in these objects that cycle between the values "apple", "ball", and "cat" as defined in the record_types value in the config. The data we see in this output file is generated by the cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud plugin defined under the mymockcloud config key.

  4. Now examine the output in /tmp/cloudmarker/mymockaudit_mockevent. It should contain a JSON array with 2 objects. This data is generated by the cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockEvent plugin referred to as mockevent. The mockevent config key is defined in the built-in base config.

  5. Note that the mock audit files written at /tmp/cloudmarker/ have names that are composed of audit key name, underscore, and plugin key name. These files are written by the cloudmarker.clouds.filestore.FileStore plugin which is specified in the config as filestore. The filestore config key is defined in the built-in base config.

Configuration Format

Let us take a closer look at the config file format in the previous section:

    plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud
      record_count: 5
        - apple
        - ball
        - cat

      - mymockcloud
      - filestore
      - mockevent
      - filestore

  - mymockaudit

There are three top-level config keys: plugins, audits, and run. These top-level keys and their values are input to the Cloudmarker framework. They tell the framework what to do. Let us see each top-level key in more detail.


The plugins key defines one or more plugin configs. In the above example, we have defined only one plugin config for the cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud plugin. A plugin is a Python class that implements a few methods required by the Cloudmarker framework. In this case, the MockCloud plugin has the code to generate some mock data for the purpose of testing other plugins.

Under the plugins key, we have one or more user-defined keys that name our plugin configs. In this example, we have defined one plugin config and chosen that name mymockcloud for it. We could name this anything. This name appears in the logs, so it is good to name this meaningfully.

Under the user-defined key for a plugin, there are at most two keys:

  • plugin: Its value is the fully qualified class name of the plugin class.
  • params: Its value is a mapping of key-value pairs that specify the keyword arguments to pass to the plugin class constructor expression. For example, see the API documentation of MockCloud by clicking on this link: cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud. We can see that the config key names record_count and record_types under the the params config key match the parameter names of the MockCloud plugin.


The audits key defines one or more audit configs. In the above example, we have defined only one audit config to generate mock data using the plugin defined under the mymockcloud config key earlier.

Under the audits key, we have one or more user-defined keys that name our audit configs. In this example, we have defined one audit config named key mymockaudit. This name appears in the logs, so it is good to name this meaningfully.

Under the user-defined key for an audit, there are four keys:

  • clouds: Its value is a list of config keys defined under the plugins key. Each key should refer to a cloud plugin.
  • stores: Its value is a list of config keys defined under the plugins key. Each key should refer to a store plugin.
  • events: Its value is a list of config keys defined under the plugins key. Each key should refer to an event plugin.
  • alerts: Its value is a list of config keys defined under the plugins key. Each key should refer to a store or alert plugin.

The Cloudmarker framework instantiates all the plugins in an audit and then lets the cloud plugins generate cloud records. Within an audit, records generated by each cloud plugin are then fed to each store and event plugin configured in the same audit.

Each cloud plugin generates data, typically, by connecting to a cloud and pulling cloud data related to resources configured in the cloud. Each cloud plugin emits this data in Python dictionary formats (appears as JSON when written to files or a storage/indexing system that can store JSON documents). We call each such dictionary object (or JSON document) as a record.

Each event plugin then receives the data generated by the cloud plugins configured within the same audit. An event plugin checks each record for security issues or some pattern. If a security issue is found in some record or if the pattern being checked for is found, then the event plugins generate one or more events for it. These events are fed to each alert plugin in the same audit.

Each store plugin takes the data fed to it and sends it to the store destination. A store destination is typically a storage or indexing engine such as Elasticsearch, Splunk, etc.

Each alert plugin takes events fed to it and sends the events to an alerting destination. A store plugin can also function as an alert plugin and vice-versa. From the framework’s perspective, there is no difference between store and alert plugin classes because they implemented the same methods. The only difference is that the store plugins are mentioned under the stores key in an audit config and the alert plugins are mentioned under the alerts key in an audit config. However, some alert plugins such as the ones to send events as email alerts or Slack messages make sense only as alert plugins and not as store plugins. That’s because we wouldn’t want to email the entire cloud data to email recipients or Slack users but we might want to email just the events as notifications to email recipients or Slack users.


Finally, the run key defines the audits we want to run. Its value is a list of one or more user-defined audit keys.

Base Configuration

In the above examples, we defined mymockcloud under the plugins key but we did not define filestore or mockevent although we used them under the audits key. That’s because they are already defined in the built-in base config. Enter this command to see the built-in base config:

cloudmarker --print-base-config

Alternatively, see the complete built-in base config here: cloudmarker.baseconfig.

The config in cloudmarker.yaml or any other user-specified config files is merged with the built-in base config to arrive at the final working config. The merging rules are described in the next section.

Cascading Configuration

By default, Cloudmarker looks for the following config files in the order specified:

  • /etc/cloudmarker.yaml
  • ~/.cloudmarker.yaml
  • ~/cloudmarker.yaml
  • cloudmarker.yaml

Note that the built-in base config is always used. If a config file in the list above is missing, it is ignored. If all config files in the list above are missing, then only the built-in base config is used.

If one or more config files are present, they are merged together with the built-in base config to arrive at the final working config. The built-in base config is loaded first. Then the config files are loaded and merged in the order specified in the list above. A config that is loaded later has higher precedence in case of conflicting values for the same key.

A custom list of config files to look for can be specified with the -c or --config option. For example, the following command first loads the built-in base config, then foo.yaml from the current directory, and then bar.yaml from the current directory:

cloudmarker -n -c foo.yaml bar.yaml

It means that in case of conflicting values for the key, the builtin-base config has the lowest priority and bar.yaml has the highest priority.

Here is a precise specification of how two configs are merged:

  • If a key in the first config does not exist in the second config, then the final config contains this key with its value intact.
  • If a key in the second config does not exist in the first config, then the final config contains this key with its value intact.
  • If a key in the first config also exists in the second config, then the final config contains this key and its value is the value found in the second config.

This means, if a key with a list value exists in the first config and the same key with another list value exists in the second config, then the final config is the key with the list value in the second config. The final config does not contain the key with both lists merged together as its value.

For example, let us assume that foo.yaml contains this key:

  - mockaudit
  - fooaudit

And bar.yaml contains this key:

  - baraudit

Then cloudmarker -n -c foo.yaml bar.yaml leads to the following value for this config key:

  - baraudit

Note how the list value of bar.yaml replaced the list value of foo.yaml while merging. In other words, when we talk about merging of configs, only keys are merged, i.e., keys from both configs are picked for the final working config. Values are not merged.

When there are multiple config files to be merged, the first config file is merged with the base config file, then the second config file is merged with the result of the previous merge, and so on.

Cloud Plugins


To get started with a real audit, it is necessary to configure Cloudmarker with an actual cloud such as Azure or GCP. In this section, we see how to configure Cloudmarker for Azure with the AzCloud plugin.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.clouds.azcloud.AzCloud plugin class.

Perform the following steps to configure this plugin:

  1. At first follow this how-to document at to register an application in Azure Active Directory to allow Cloudmarker to access your Azure resources.

  2. After completing the above step, create a config file named cloudmarker.yaml in the current directory with this content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.azcloud.AzCloud
          tenant: null
          client: null
          secret: null
          - myazcloud
          - filestore
          - firewallruleevent
          - filestore
      - myazaudit
  3. Then replace the null values for tenant, client, and secret as described below:

    • tenant: This is the tenant ID obtained from following the “Get tenant ID” section of the how-to document. This is also known as the directory ID. To find this value, go to Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Properties > Directory ID. This value is also available in the newly created application at Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > (the app) > Directory (tenant) ID.
    • client: This is the application ID created in the “Get application ID and authentication key” section of the how-to document. This value is also available at Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > (the app) > Application (client) ID.
    • secret: This is the secret password created in the “Get application ID and authentication key” section of the how-to document. This valuable is available only while creating a new secret at Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > (the app) > New client secret.
  4. After setting these values, enter this command to run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  5. After Cloudmarker completes running, check these files in /tmp/cloudmarker/:


This is another plugin for Azure that has a narrower but deeper scope than the AzCloud plugin described in the previous section. It pulls only virtual machine (VM) data with more details about each VM.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.clouds.azvm.AzVM plugin class.

Perform the following steps to use the AzVM plugin:

  1. As mentioned in the previous section, register an application in Azure Active Directory to allow Cloudmarker to access your Azure resources.

  2. After completing the above step, create a config file named cloudmarker.yaml in the current directory with this content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.azvm.AzVM
          tenant: f3cfe067-d008-48f3-b026-cf0dd7409b25
          client: 6c4980e2-2652-466d-8157-853f9d0a288f
          secret: 4FAU+gYAkl96zbnlXZqu25d5iZBlDhzj0EHD8fi6HR8=
          - myazvm
          - filestore
          - firewallruleevent
          - azvmosdiskencryptionevent
          - azvmdatadiskencryptionevent
          - filestore
      - myazaudit
  3. Then replace the null values for tenant, client, and secret with actual values as described in the previous section.

  4. After setting these values, enter this command to run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  5. After Cloudmarker completes running, check the generated files in /tmp/cloudmarker/.

Let us discuss how AzCloud and AzVM are different.

AzCloud pulls data at subscription level. It first connects to Azure with the specified credentials, then queries for all subscriptions it has access to, and then loops over each subscription and makes one API call per subscription per resource type to pull all resources of that type. It pulls data related to virtual machines (VMs), application gateways, load balancers, network interface controllers (NICs), network security groups (NSGs), etc.

AzVM on the other hand pulls data at the virtual machine level. It makes one API call per VM. Thus, it makes more number of API calls. It retrieves only VM data but it gets more detailed VM data. For example, this plugin also obtains the power state, the disk encryption status, etc. of the VM. These detailed level of information cannot be obtained by the AzCloud plugin.

To understand the difference between the two plugins better, consider an environment where there are 5 subscriptions such that each subscription has exactly 20 VMs and 50 NSGs. So, there are a total of 100 VMs and 250 NSGs. AzCloud would make only 5 API calls to pull data for all 100 VMs and another 5 API calls to pull data for all NSGs. On the other hand, AzVM would make 100 API calls to pull data for all VMs. AzVM cannot pull data for NSGs or any other type of resources. However, the VM data obtained by AzVM contains power state, disk encryption status, and other detailed information. AzCloud data does not pull such detailed information.

In general, AzCloud runs faster due to less number of API calls and is usually sufficient for most types of cloud monitoring use cases. AzVM is necessary only for advanced use cases such as monitoring whether a particular VM is running or stopped, if its disks are encrypted or not, etc.

Note in the config above that event plugins and referred to with the built-in base config keys azvmosdiskencryptionevent and azvmdatadiskencryptionevent can be used with AzVM. These plugins work only with AzVM records and generates events if OS disks and data disks are found. They ignore records generated by any other cloud plugins.


Follow these steps to get started with auditing a GCP cloud environment.

  1. Follow the steps at to create a service account key using the GCP Console and download it as a file named keyfile.json.

  2. Then create a config file name cloudmarker.yaml with this content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.gcpcloud.GCPCloud
          key_file_path: keyfile.json
          - mygcpcloud
          - filestore
          - firewallruleevent
          - filestore
      - mygcpaudit
  3. Now enter this command to run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  4. Now examine these files generated by Cloudmarker at /tmp/cloudmarker/:

Note that the GCPCloud plugin audits all the projects under the service-account for the keyfile.json provided and also discovers resources in all zones automatically.


The MockCloud plugin has already been discussed in the Get Started section once. A config key named mockcloud already configures this plugin in the built-in base config as follows:

    plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud

There are no parameters specified for this plugin in the built-in base config because this plugin class already has default keyword parameters. See cloudmarker.clouds.mockcloud.MockCloud for the keyword parameters with default values. By default, it generates 10 mock records such that record['ext']['record_type'] alternate between 'foo' and 'bar' where record represents each JSON object generated by this plugin.

To override the default behaviour to, say, generate 20 records with record types that alternate between ‘foo’, ‘bar’, and ‘baz’, we could override the mockcloud config key defined in the built-in base config. To do so, create a file named cloudmarker.yaml with the following content only:

      record_count: 20
        - foo
        - bar
        - baz

Then run Cloudmarker with this command:

cloudmarker -n

Note that we did not specify the plugin key under mockcloud here because that is already available in the base config (see cloudmarker.baseconfig). Similarly, we did not define audits or run config keys here because they are also defined in the base config. We only defined what we needed to override in the base config.

Event Plugins

The event plugins have been discussed in the sections for cloud plugins above. Here is how the config keys for these plugins have been defined in the base config (see cloudmarker.baseconfig):





The ellipsis (...) in this example denote content omitted in the above example for the sake of brevity.


The FirewallRuleEvent plugin can be used with both AzCloud and GCPCloud plugins. It looks for firewall rules that expose sensitive ports to the entire Internet and generates events for them.

This plugin is offered by the plugin class.

By default, it monitors for insecure exposure of a fixed set of TCP ports. If that’s okay for you, there is no need to define this plugin explicitly in the config file. The built-in base config key firewallruleevent can be used as is. However, if there is a need for monitoring a custom set of ports, then it can be overridden. Here is an example configuration that monitors for insecure exposure of ports 22 and 3389 in Azure cloud:

    plugin: cloudmarker.clouds.azcloud.AzCloud
      tenant: null
      client: null
      secret: null

        - 22
        - 3389

      - myazcloud
      - filestore
      - firewallruleevent
      - filestore

  - myazaudit

Remember to replace the null values in the config above with actual values before using this config.


The AzVMOSDiskEncryptionEvent plugin can be used with AzVM plugin. It looks for unencrypted OS disks attached to Azure virtual machines.

This plugin is offered by the plugin class.

An example usage of this plugin is available in the AzVM section. Since it only checks whether disks are encrypted or not (a binary decision), it does not accept any parameters that can be configured in config file. Therefore, it is recommended to use the built-in base config key named azosdiskencryptionevent for this plugin.


The AzVMDataDiskEncryptionEvent plugin can be used with AzVM plugin. It looks for unencrypted data disks attached to Azure virtual machines.

This plugin is offered by the plugin class.

An example usage of this plugin is available in the AzVM section. Since it only checks whether disks are encrypted or not (a binary decision), it does not accept any parameters that can be configured in config file. Therefore, it is recommended to use the built-in base config key named azdatadiskencryptionevent for this plugin.


The MockEvent plugin can be used with MockCloud plugin. The MockCloud plugin generates data such that record['raw']['data'] has an integer value that increments in each record where record here represents each record generated by MockCloud. The MockEvent plugin when used checks the value of record['raw']['data'] in each input record and generates an event if this value is a multiple of some number (3 by default).

This plugin is offered by the plugin class.

We use MockCloud and MockEvent plugins together to test out the store and alert plugins.

In case, we want the MockEvent plugin to look for a multiple of some other number, say, 5, we can override the built-in base config as follows:

      n: 5

Store Plugins


We have been using the FileStore plugin already in the examples above. This plugin is good for quick testing because we can see the cloud data records and events written locally to a file that we can easily inspect.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.stores.filestore.FileStore plugin class.

By default, it writes the output files to the /tmp/cloudmarker/ directory. Here is how it can be configured to write the output files to another directory, say, ~/cloudmarker:

      path: ~/cloudmarker

On running Cloudmarker with this config, we would see that the output files have been written to ~/cloudmarker, i.e., $HOME/cloudmarker or in other words, the cloudmarker directory under the home directory. Yes, FileStore performs tilde expansion to expand a path beginning with ~ to a user’s home directory as mentioned here: os.path.expanduser().


The EsStore plugin can be used to send cloud data as well as events to an Elasticsearch cluster.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.stores.esstore.EsStore plugin class.

In this section, we will use a Docker image of Elasticsearch to quickly get started with configuring this plugin. Here are the steps to set up a Docker container for Elasticsearch:

  1. Enter the following command to run a Docker container with Elasticsearch instance:

    docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 \
               -e 'discovery.type=single-node' \
  2. Ensure that Elasticsearch is able to index documents:

    curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -X PUT http://localhost:9200/foo/foo/1?pretty \
         -d '{"a": "apple", "b": "ball"}'
  3. Double-check that the document was indexed:

    curl http://localhost:9200/foo/_search?pretty

Now that Elasticsearch is running in a Docker container and indexing data, configure Cloudmarker to send data and events to it with the following steps:

  1. Create cloudmarker.yaml with the following content to configure Cloudmarker to send mock cloud records and mock events to Elasticsearch:

          - filestore
          - esstore
          - filestore
          - esstore

    The above example is a very minimal config. It works because the esstore plugin config key is defined in the built-in base config and it sends data to a locally running Elasticsearch by default. Here is what a more elaborate config would look like:

        host: localhost
        port: 9200
        index: cloudmarker
          - filestore
          - esstore
          - filestore
          - esstore
  2. Run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  3. Confirm that mock cloud records and mock events are indexed in Elasticsearch:

    curl http://localhost:9200/cloudmarker/_search?pretty


The MongoDBStore plugin can be used to send cloud data as well as events to a MongoDB collection.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.stores.mongodbstore.MongoDBStore plugin class.

In this section, we will use a Docker image of MongoDB to quickly get started with configuring this plugin. Here are the steps to set up a Docker container for MongoDB:

  1. Enter the following commands to run a Docker container with MongoDB instance:

    docker rm mongo; docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo
  2. Ensure that we can insert data into MongoDB:

    docker exec -it mongo mongo foo --eval '{"a": "apple"})'
  3. Double-check that the data was inserted:

    docker exec -it mongo mongo foo --eval ''

Now that MongoDB is running in a Docker container, configure Cloudmarker to send data to it with these steps:

  1. Create cloudmarker.yaml with the following content to configure Cloudmarker to send mock cloud records and mock events to MongoDB:

          - filestore
          - mongodbstore
          - filestore
          - mongodbstore

    The above example is a very minimal config. It works because the mongodbstore plugin config key is defined in the built-in base config and it sends data to a locally running MongoDB by default. Here is what a more elaborate config would look like:

        host: localhost
        port: 27017
        db: cloudmarker
        collection: cloudmarker
        username: null
        password: null
          - filestore
          - mongodbstore
          - filestore
          - mongodbstore

    If the MongoDB instance requires user authentication, then the username and password config keys should be set to the appropriate values.

  2. Run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  3. Confirm that mock cloud records and mock events are indexed in Elasticsearch:

    docker exec -it mongo mongo cloudmarker --eval 'db.cloudmarker.find()'


The SplunkHECStore plugin can be used to send cloud data as well as events to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC).

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.stores.splunkhecstore.SplunkHECStore plugin class.

In this section, we will use a Docker image of Splunk to quickly get started with configuring this plugin. Here are the steps to set up a Docker container for Splunk:

  1. Enter the following command to run a Docker container with Splunk instance with HTTP Event Collector (HEC):

    docker run -e 'SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license' \
               -e 'SPLUNK_PASSWORD=admin123' \
               -e 'SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN=token123' \
               -p 8000:8000 -p 8088:8088 splunk/splunk
  2. Ensure that Splunk HEC is able to receive events:

    curl -k https://localhost:8088/services/collector/event \
         -H 'Authorization: Splunk token123' \
         -d '{"event": "hello, world"}'
  3. To double-check that Splunk received the event, visit http://localhost:8000/ with a web browser.

  4. Then log into Splunk with username as admin and password as the password specified in the docker command in step 1 above.

  5. Click on “Search & Reporting” on the left sidebar.

  6. In the search box, enter * (asterisk) and click the search button. One event with the string hello, world should appear in the result.

Now that Splunk is running in a Docker container and accepting events via HEC, configure Cloudmarker to send data and events to it with the following steps:

  1. Create cloudmarker.yaml with the following content to configure Cloudmarker to send mock cloud records and mock events to Splunk:

        plugin: cloudmarker.stores.splunkhecstore.SplunkHECStore
          uri: https://localhost:8088/services/collector
          token: token123
          index: main
          ca_cert: false
          - filestore
          - splunkstore
  2. Run Cloudmarker with this configuration:

    cloudmarker -n
  3. Visit http://localhost:8000/ with a web browser.

  4. Then log into Splunk with username as admin and password as the password specified in the docker command in step 1 above.

  5. Click on “Search & Reporting” on the left sidebar.

  6. In the search box, enter * (asterisk) and click the search button. There should be many new events now.

  7. In the search box, enter the following query to see the mock cloud records:

    index=main com.record_type=mock

    There should 10 records in the results.

  8. In the search box, enter the following query to see the mock events:

    index=main com.record_type=mock_event

    There should be 4 events in the results.

  9. In the search box, enter the following query to see the event description fields in a table format:

    index=main com.record_type=mock_event | table com.description

Alert Plugins

All of the store plugins discussed above can also be used as alert plugins. Additionally, there are a few plugins that are specialized as alert plugins only and do not serve very well as store plugins. Only these plugins are discussed in this section.


The EmailAlert plugin can be used to send events to email recipients via SMTP.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.alerts.emailalert.EmailAlert plugin class.

The EmailAlert parameters are same as that of the cloudmarker.util.send_email() function, so read its API documentation to learn about the parameters this plugin accepts.

Perform the following steps to configure Cloudmarker to send mock events as email alerts:

  1. Create a config file named cloudmarker.yaml in the current directory with the following content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.alerts.emailalert.EmailAlert
          from_addr: Cloudmarker <>
          subject: Cloudmarker Alert
          - filestore
          - emailalert
  2. Set the values of from_addr and to_addrs appropriately.

  3. If authentication is required, add username and password parameters. See cloudmarker.send_email() documentation for details.

  4. If the SMTP host does not support SSL, then add ssl_mode parameter and set its value to starttls if the SMTP host supports STARTTLS. If the SMTP host supports neither SSL nor STARTTLS, set its value to disable.

  5. If the SMTP host is listening on a non-standard port, then set the port parameter to an integer value representing the expected port number. If the SMTP host is listening on a standard port, then there is no need to set this parameter. It has a default value of 0 which automatically selects the appropriate port based on the value of ssl_mode parameter.

  6. Run Cloudmarker with this configuration:

    cloudmarker -n
  7. Check the configured recipients’ inboxes to confirm that the email alerts have been received.


The SlackAlert plugin can be used to send events to Slack users via a Slack bot.

This plugin is offered by the cloudmarker.alerts.slackalert.SlackAlert plugin class.

Perform the following steps to configure Cloudmarker to send mock events as alerts via Slack:

  1. Create a config file named cloudmarker.yaml in the current directory with the following content:

        plugin: cloudmarker.alerts.slackalert.SlackAlert
          bot_user_token: null
          text: Attention - Cloudmarker Alert
          - filestore
          - slackalert
  2. Change the value of bot_user_token key from null to actual token of the Slack bot in the config file.

  3. Change the vlaue of to key from example users to actual Slack users.

  4. Now, enter this command to run Cloudmarker:

    cloudmarker -n
  5. The mock events would be sent to the configured Slack users as a JSON snippet.



In the built-in base config (see cloudmarker.baseconfig), there is a schedule config key that specifies the local time (in 24-hour notation) at which Cloudmarker should start running audits every day. This schedule is honoured when Cloudmarker is run without the -n or -now option as follows:



In the built-in base config (see cloudmarker.baseconfig), there is a logger config key that specifies an elaborate logging configuration. This can be overridden in a config file to customize the logger. For example, by default, the log files are written to /tmp/cloudmarker.log. If we want to override this location to, say, log/cloudmarker.log, we can define a config file named cloudmarker.yaml like this:

      filename: log/cloudmarker.log

To test this configuration, enter these commands:

mkdir -p log
cloudmarker -n
cat log/cloudmarker.log

To see the default logger config, see cloudmarker.baseconfig. To understand more about what each of the config keys under logger mean, see the Python standard library logging documentation: Configuration dictionary schema.


When Cloudmarker is made to run in scheduled mode, it could be useful to get email notifications about when the audits start and the audits stop. The email configuration for such audit emails can be specified under a config key named email. Note that this should be a top-level key in the config file, i.e., it should be at the same level as the audits and run keys.

The value for the email config key should be similar to the value of params key of an email alert. See EmailAlert section for more details on this. Here is an example:

  from_addr: Cloudmarker <>
  subject: Cloudmarker Alert

With this configuration, Cloudmarker sends four types of emails:

  • An email when all configured audits begin.
  • An email when all configured audits end.
  • An email when each configured audit begins.
  • An email when each configured audit ends.

Therefore, if there are 3 audits configured under the audits config key, then a total of 8 emails are sent: 1 begin audits email, 1 end audits email, 3 begin audit emails (one for each audit), and 3 end audit emails (one for each audit).